Each free trial is a complete version of our digital app program up through Lesson 15. In other words, the free trial will allow you to experience everything contained in the first 15 lessons, including our lectures, our audiovisual solutions, our eBook, and our automated grading feature. Plus, there is no time limit for completing the trial. It never expires! There are also no limits to the number of courses you can try! And if you decide to purchase the full (paid) version, all of your grades will automatically transfer and all of your student’s progress will be saved!
It is best to already have an account so that when you add the free trial to your cart, it will be easy to checkout.
If you do not already have an account, set up an account here. And don’t worry, the process just takes a second or two. All we need is your email address.
If you are an existing TT customer, be sure to add your free trial to your existing account. This will allow us to keep all of your records in one place.

If you still have questions about the free trial, you can likely find the answer here.